Sunday 16 October 2016

Setting Goals To Fulfill Your Dream

Maybe all of us know about goal setting but sometimes we don’t put our knowledge to practice. Our brain is the most advanced bio-computer ever created and it is a goal-seeking machine. Without a viable target our personal super-computer won’t be able to performs at its peak.

Nowadays, it is quite common that we use Waze or any other GPS-enabled device or application to get from point A to point B. Even though we already knew the destination or target but we still use technology as an aid to guide our journey. Why is that? Imagine that we don’t even know where we want to go. What will happen to us?

Maybe, some will say that goal setting is a waste of time because nobody knows the future. It is true that we can’t predict the future, but at the least, we can do something today for a better tomorrow. Our point A is “today” and our point B is “tomorrow”. Now, the question is, how do we travel or drive from point A to our target, point B? The easiest way is to use Waze, which will show us the route and ETA.

Goal setting is equivalent of “Waze” to our brain. Once the viable target has been established, our personal supercomputer will help us to design the journey and our thoughts will be focused on it. We will attract whatever we think about, good or bad and that is the underpinning concept of “Law of Attraction”.

How To Achieve Goals?

Set Goals. First list down all the goals that you want to accomplish. Please bear in mind that goals should always be sensible and should be accomplishable. Setting unrealistic goals are of no use. Write the most important goals at the top of the list and number them accordingly. Only choose a maximum of three goals at a time because this will help you to focus more precisely. You can replace any of the three goals once it is accomplished.

Develop Strategies To Achieve Goals. Once you have listed your goals, you need to evaluate and develop strategies to complete your goals. For example, if your goal is to shed some extra pounds, your broad strategy should be dieting and exercises. There is no shortcut in life and don’t believe in instant gratification. So, you need a particular strategy and dedication to pull off your goals.
Have Definite Action Plans. Once your broad line of attack is determined, work on your definite action plans. For instance, if dieting and exercising are your broad strategies to your weight loss goal, then your action plan should consist of a healthy diet chart; a healthy way of life, and an appropriate workout routine.

Believe In Yourself. If you want to accomplish your goals and become successful in life, you have to believe in yourself. All successful men and women today are doing well because they believed in themselves and were confident about their capabilities. If you believe in yourself, then you can accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. As the late Napoleon Hill said: “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Review Your Progress. Make sure you are making progress. Review your progress every week to analyze how far you have reached in accomplishing your goals. If you find you are lagging behind, hire a coach, look for help from family and friends, and above all, try to recognize why your goal is not being met. Find a solution to accomplish your goal.

Be Self-Motivated. Self-motivation is a must to achieve goals and success in life. Motivational books and CDs are great ways to keep you motivated and will help you to stay focused towards your goals. (Audiobook is my favorite tool for self-motivation. Indeed, I listen to audiobook every single day before I go to bed.) The more self-motivated you are, the easier it is to work towards your objectives.

End of the day, the journey or process to achieve goals is worth more than the outcome. The process teaches us about strategic thinking, positive thinking, self-discipline, persistence in the face of adversity and etc. What you have become (due to the process) is far more important than what you get (due to the outcome).

This article was originally written by Meran Simmathiri with the title "Goal Setting Is All About The Process, Not The Outcome" and was first published on Linkedin Pulse


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